Welcome to the DI models Archives section. Here you will find papers, videos
and additional resources related to Diversity-Interactions modelling.
News Items Archive
November 2023
New blog post! Find out the technical and personal story behind the DImodels R package in this blog post by Rafael Moral.

May 2023
New paper alert:
Going beyond richness: Modelling the BEF relationship using species identity, evenness, richness and species interactions via the DImodels R package
In this paper, you can find out all out the DImodels R package and how to use it to fit Diversity-Interations models.
April 2023
New paper alert:
Estimation of the non-linear parameter in Generalised Diversity-Interactions models is unaffected by change in structure of the interaction terms
This paper investigates model selection procedures for Diversity-Interactions models that include estimation of theta, the non-linear parameter.
October 2022
Here are examples of plots you can create using DI models