The Non-Linear Parameter Theta
The inclusion of the non-linear parameter theta in a DI model allows for the shape of the BEF relationship being studied to vary.

Figure 1: A plot showing an example of the change in the shape of the BEF relationship for different values of the non-linear parameter theta. Credit: Connolly et al., 2013
This parameter was introduced to the DI modelling framework in Connolly et al., 2013 and is applied as an exponent to the species interaction components of a DI model.
Here we go into coding examples
What will I learn from looking at this example?
In this example, we describe how to implement the non-linear parameter theta in DI models (Kirwan et al., 2009) using R (version 4.1.2) for a blank species system using a simulated dataset consisting of blank. The models described could be used to answer research questions like a univariate DI model and about the shape of the BEF relationship.
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