Welcome to the DI models Archives section. Here you will find papers, videos
and additional resources related to Diversity-Interactions modelling.
Diversity-Interactions models were orginally developed by Kirwan et al (2009) and since then have evolved in several directions. The statistical papers that describe the family of Diversity-Interactions models and tools to fit them are presented here.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution (2023); 9, 2250-2258.
This paper describes the DImodels R package and illustrates several case studies for fitting DI models to data.
Environmental and Ecological Statistics (2023); 30, 555–574.
A paper testing the order in which to select theta values and species interactions structures when using DI models.
Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics (2023); 28, 1-19.
This paper describes methodology for fitting DI models to systems with many species over multiple years.
Ecology (2017); 98, 1771-1778
Open access version available.
A paper introducing a DI model that includes both fixed and random interaction effects.
Ecology Letters (2015): 18, 1242-1251
Open access version available.
A paper for DI models describing the expansion to the multivariate DI model.
Journal of Ecology, (2013); 101, 344–355
A paper for DI models introducing the non-linear parameter theta that can moderate the strength and impact of species interactions.
Ecology, (2011); 92, 1385-1392
A techincal paper for DI models, introducing phylogenetic distancing to a full pairwise and average models.
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, (2011); 16, 409–421
Open access version available.
A techincal paper for DI models, describing the expansion of DI models into a baseline category logit model.
Ecology, (2009); 90, 2032–2038
The original statistics paper that introduced Diversity-Interactions models.